Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Texas Hold'em Party

Billy, me, and my parents found a new love and another reason to throw a party, We had about 13 players to start with and we started at 7:30pm it ended at 1:30 am it was a long night but fun, Kyle ended up winning the $75.00 pot, we all payed $5.00 to start it was a nice pot to win. I was about the 4th person out Billy is not good to play next too because he knows when I am bluffing which makes it hard for me to win. ( everyone who knows me, knows it is hard for me to lie) so this game is hard for me to play. LOL

Bowling @ Fats Cats

This is my boys bowling at fat cats

More of my little Angels...........These boys are my world, Thay make me so proud to be a mom

Javen is now 9 months old

Javen (bug) is now 9 months old and growing like a weed, He now has 7 teeth, 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom, he crawls so fast and stands up on everything he is just about walking, He now weighs 20.17 lbs, 27.56 inches tall, and his HC is 17.9, he jumped from the 17 % to the 36 % in weight which means he is going to outgrow his brother LOL.